#48: When I’m Updatin’ Windows


Long-time users of Windows will doubtless be familiar with the occasional need to restart because some update or other has been sent to your machine. These days, the “your computer needs to restart” prompt normally gives you a chance to do it later, but there have been times when you literally get a few minutes’ notice to save all that important stuff you’re doing before the update/reboot cycle begins.

Particularly important updates might warn you of an impending restart and give you the chance to take the hit right away, or to wait until the middle of the night. You can set the Active Hours in Settings | Windows Update | Advanced Options and it’s possible to pause updates for up to a week if you need to do some important stuff and avoid a reboot, but the advice is generally to take them as soon as you can.


Social media users love to share examples of prominent PCs displaying errors, or notices about needing to restart, even if they’re not all that they seem.

It’s That Tuesday

21 years ago, Microsoft started using the 2nd Tuesday of every month to push out updates, informally known as Patch Tuesday. They have flip-flopped to some degree over whether these updates will be security/reliability only, or if unsuspecting users will get new features and changes. Big periodic rollups – the modern-day equivalent of the Service Pack – tend to contain loads of fixes along with some changes in the way Windows (and some of the standard apps) works.


If you’re looking at someone’s desktop in person or on a Teams/Zoom call in the coming weeks, and see that little double-arrow update icon on their system tray (though maybe they’ve hidden it), it could be that their poor PC has been waiting to restart for ages. That might tell you something about their standards of hygiene and organisation.

If you’re seeing the update symbol on your own taskbar, going into Settings | Windows Update will tell you what needs your machine to restart, and you could determine if it really needs to happen right now or if it could wait until a bit later.


Search online for the KB number to find out more about what a particular update does. The Knowledge Base has been around for decades; delve into the archives and there are some crackers, like the one-time warning that Barney (remember him?) might self-engage.

In October 2024’s Patch Tuesday, the latest big package of updates to Windows 11 was pushed out – taking the platform to version 24H2 – ushering in a bunch of changes and improvements. To find out more about what’s new, see https://aka.ms/windows/insidethisupdate.

To see what specific version of Windows you’re running, press WindowsKey+R and enter winver. Some earlier versions of Windows 11 – 22H2 – have reached “end of service” so won’t be updated anymore; you’d need to upgrade to 24H2 to continue getting any updates and fixes.

If you’re still on Windows 10, the clock is ticking – it’s due to go out of support in a year’s time, meaning it’s worth either upgrading to Windows 11 (or getting a new PC which already has Windows 11 installed). Some of the hardware requirements of Windows 11 – especially around security hardware – left plenty of users grumbling as some recently bought (even high end) PCs didn’t cut the mustard. Even Microsoft’s own Surface line had some notably glaring exceptions on the compatibility list – the previous flagship $4,000+ Surface Studio is not Win11 compatible, having been launched 5 years before Windows 11.

If you have an otherwise perfectly usable Windows 10 computer which is being blocked from upgrading to Win11 on hardware compatibility grounds, there are unsanctioned workarounds that might allow you to install and happily run the latest version.

Just be careful

#47: Using Copilot for (consistent) meeting notes


GenAI” like Copilot and ChatGPT has been evolving quickly over the last year or two, and the more experience people have in using it has also changed their approach. Just as providing better questions to get more accurate search queries from Google / Bing, getting the best results from Copilot or the like might depend on being specific enough with your questions.

Here’s a tip courtesy of Kat Beedim, Microsoft 365 MVP from Microsoft partner, CPS. Kat is using Copilot to summarise the output of a Teams meeting, in an alternative way to the built-in Copilot for Microsoft 365 method which generates a pretty decent summary (and was recently discussed in context of the OneNote integration). While the content is generally good, using the standard approach, you will likely get differing formats of notes from one meeting to the next, depending on what was said.

Kat’s approach is to download the transcript from a meeting that you’ve attended; this may be available to anyone who joined the meeting, even if the tenant hosting the meeting doesn’t itself have Copilot provisioned. In other words, if you have access to Copilot and you can get the transcript from a meeting (which you didn’t organise, maybe even one organised by a different company) then you can generate the meeting notes.

To see if the meeting was transcribed, go back to the Chat or the Recap from the meeting within Teams and you might be able to download the transcript (as a .DOCX file).


Save the transcript file to OneDrive in the same tenant where your Copilot for M365 is, and within a Copilot prompt you can reference it… if you go to Copilot (Work) and press “/” in a prompt, it will let you choose a file (or other source of data).


Kat has provided a very polite and detailed prompt for Copilot to generate meeting notes; by using the same prompt after every project or team meeting, the same format of notes will be preserved.

Copilot, please assist me in converting the attached /(start typing the file name to select it)
into detailed meeting minutes.

Here’s what I need:

1. Identify Key Sections: Break down the transcript into distinct sections: attendees, apologies, introductions, summary of concerns, previous actions discussed, further discussions, recommendations and actions, date of next meeting. Keep to that order.

2. Summarise Discussions: Provide a detailed summary of the discussions for each agenda item, capturing the main points and any consensus reached.

3. Highlight Decisions: Clearly state any decisions made, including the rationale behind them and any dissenting opinions if applicable.

4. List Action Items: Enumerate the action items that came out of the meeting, specifying the responsible party and the deadline for each task

5. Note Attendees: Include a list of attendees and their roles or titles, as well as any apologies for absence.

6. Format for Clarity: Use full sentences and paragraphs, tables, and bold text for emphasis where necessary to enhance readability. Do not use bullet points.

7. Review for Accuracy. Ensure that the minutes reflect an accurate and impartial record of the meeting, and make any necessary edits for clarity and conciseness. Please format the minutes in a professional and presentable manner. suitable for distribution to all meeting participants and for record-keeping purposes. Thank you.

You could also open the transcript directly in Word and enter the gist of the prompt above in Copilot within Word, though formatting is a bit nicer when done from the Copilot for M365 prompt. It might be possible some day to tell it to generate a new document using a set template, but that appears to be a manual process for now.

Feel free to have a play with the prompt to get the format and the answers you want; you have 2,000 characters to give your instructions so be as descriptive as you like.

Kat’s video demo is on Write meeting minutes with Copilot – YouTube.

#46: Cool for CALC


Subtle changes and refinements to regularly-used applications can often slip by unnoticed. The Windows Calculator can trace its parentage all the back to Windows 1.0, and has seen numerous revisions over the years. It has featured in previous ToWs, too, most recently in what would have been number six hundred threescore and six, before the Great Reset meant ToW numbering went back to 1.

Electronic desktop calculators were a hotbed of technological innovation in the 1960s and 1970s. If you’re of a certain age, you might recall using a pocket calculator as part of your educational journey. When the first scientific pocket calculators appeared in 1972, they had a similar impact to the global slide rule market as quartz wristwatches had on the mechanical watches a decade later.


c1985 Casio fx-451M

When Personal Computers were a relatively new thing, having things like a digital notepad and a calculator built-in were seen as key productivity features; even if an IBM PC capable of running Windows 1.0 at the time would have cost you more than a year’s average salary. And yet with calculators on phones and smart watches, the poor old CALC.EXE probably doesn’t get much love these days.


The Hamburger Menu

Fire up the app (WindowsKey+R Calc [ENTER]) and it looks like any simple desktop calculator device, except that the History (top right) is much more extensive and usable than the stupid M+ / MR buttons on the old physical ones. Few of us knew what all those buttons festooning scientific calculators actually did, let alone ever used most of them.

Fortunately, Windows Calc has put lots of genuinely handy things in that three-line menu on the top left – and you can switch between them using the ALT key, if desired.


In normal use, simply pressing ALT+1, ALT+2, ALT+3 etc will switch between the different modes; open the hamburger menu (click it or press ALT+H), and scrolling down will show more than a dozen different conversion features too. Just press the ALT key when the menu is showing if you’d like to be reminded of the ALT+ … shortcut keys that can be used to invoke any of them without the need to show the menu in future.

Before Microsoft killed its long-serving line of external keyboards, some used to have a hardware button for invoking calculator. Supposedly, they’re coming back – just under a different name.


If you’re more mouse- or touch-driven then you can also jump to the primary modes using a right-click/long-tap on the taskbar when Calculator is running.


If you think there’s some great feature missing from Calculator, check out the Github page on the project and submit your own ideas. It seems to be on a slow-burn though; the Roadmap page talks about what the team is focussed on in 2021, and makes no mention of Windows 11…

#45: Copilot updates flying in


Microsoft unveiled “Wave 2” of Copilot for Microsoft 365 earlier this week; if you haven’t seen the video, you can catch it here, or check out Teams guru and MVP Tom Arburthnot’s tl;dr summary of the key announcements and the demos.

BTW, if you are a Microsoft partner, you might have heard during MCAPS Start in July, that (woo-hoo!) Microsoft was going to give you some free Copilot licenses as part of the benefit of being in the partner program.

The latest Benefits Guide shows that Copilot goodness is indeed coming in January 2025, but it might be a bit less generous than expected… Basically, don’t bank on getting more than a handful of seats as part of the package, and if you don’t think Copilot gives you enough benefit to bother paying for it, then, well…

Talking of “what’s new” with Copilot, Microsoft veteran Malcolm Bullock has a thought-provoking explanation of what he means by “Nothing has changed but everything is new”.

Some of the stuff that was announced in the Wave 2 jamboree will be coming later this year, such as Copilot automatically prioritizing your emails in Outlook. Other pieces – the Narrative Builder in PowerPoint, for example, are here already.

The PowerPoint Copilot functionality is amazing. Give it a couple of lines of content and it will generate a whole load of slides by finding out information to flesh out your idea. If you’re an expert in an area then it might seem to give a glib, high-level overview with not-quite-correct images, but all of that can be tweaked and updated later.

Here’s an example:


… and literally a few moments later, it presented…


Not bad at all. At least it has a framework which could be used to flesh out stuff in more human detail.

While Copilot might have its most immediate use in helping to create content like images or writing documents/emails for you, there are other collaborative benefits too, some of which were covered in the announcement. As Malcolm says above, maybe we will need to tweak how we collaborate (using channels instead of chat for group discussions, for example) to properly harness the capabilities to good effect.

On asking Copilot in Edge to summarize the announcement page to less than 200 words, it offered:

· Copilot Pages: Introducing a dynamic, persistent canvas for AI collaboration, allowing teams to work together in real-time with AI-generated content.

· Enhanced Microsoft 365 Apps: Significant improvements in Teams, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Word, including new features like Copilot in Excel with Python for advanced data analysis.

· Copilot Agents: New AI assistants to automate and execute business processes, with an easy-to-use agent builder for creating custom agents.

· User Feedback and Updates: Over 700 product updates and 150 new features based on feedback from nearly 1,000 customers, improving performance and user satisfaction.

So there are lots and lots of new features coming, if not here already. Yay.

Meetings, transcripts and notes

One of the nicer new widgets that Copilot has brought recently is for putting meeting notes into OneNote. Previously, to record what happened in a meeting, you’d ask either Teams Premium or Copilot to generate some kind of notes, then copy/paste the text into OneNote alongside other stuff you might have jotted down yourself during the meeting.

Now, it’s made the process a whole lot easier – first, you need to be sure the meeting has been recorded or transcribed. If you go back to the Meeting inside Teams (look in the Chat node), you might see a Recap option which will give you the summary of what happened, along with actions that were discussed:


Now, go into OneNote, navigate to your existing notes page for a meeting (or create a new one) and go to Insert Meeting details. It will offer you a pane on the right side showing a selection of meetings from your calendar.


Previously, this would have copied just the bumph from Outlook like the date/time, subject and who the attendees were – useful as that is – but now has added a bunch more…


It’s a brilliantly useful way of adding some extra content to notes you might already be taking, or just to more easily organize notes and follow up actions from within OneNote rather than grubbing about in Teams to find them.

#44: What’s on your (system) tray?


The System Tray is that little collection of icons typically found next to the clock, in the lower corner of a Windows desktop. It’s been part of the UI since Windows 95, and serves to highlight what is happening with the system and the apps that are running on it. At times, Microsoft has tried to call this the “Notification Area”, not be confused with the thing that appears when you press WindowsKey+N (that’s the Notification Center or Action Center).

In common with other bits of Windows (the right-click menu in Explorer being another), it was easy for 3rd party software and hardware drivers to add their own icons into the “systray”, which might make things convenient for the user until they have 30 or 40 such things cluttering the whole place up. Why wouldn’t you want to quickly control your video modes or tweak Bluetooth settings, after all?

So in sweep-under-the-carpet style, Microsoft added a way of hiding less useful system tray icons so you don’t see them all the time, but they can be exposed by clicking the little arrow to the side.


As you’d expect, Microsoft has defaulted only the more obviously-useful icons to be visible, like battery or Wi-Fi (for laptops), sound/volume etc. OneDrive is jammed in there too, if you have it set up to sync.

To tweak which icons show by default, look in Settings > Personalisation > Taskbar (try right-clicking on a blank bit of the main taskbar and choose Taskbar settings)


Many of the icons you’ll see don’t necessarily do much when you click (left or right) on them, other than jump to the app itself, but some afford the ability to right-click and do something in that app directly. One useful tweak not there by default might be to include Teams, so you can quickly set your status.


To hide or change the clock and date in the System Tray, dive a little further into the Date & time settings…


… and you could have the clock show seconds as well, if you really wanted.


This week’s Copilot-drawn banner image is – clearly – inspired by Eddie/Suzy Izzard’s iconic and lightly sweary “Death Star Canteen” sketch, and the minifig animation of it. Happy Friday – but you’ll still need a tray.

#43: Designing Everyday Things


Design is everywhere in the things we have made. Intentional or inherent, every object is that way for a reason. Whether an item’s design is primarily to make it easy and obvious to use (see Bic), just to look amazing, or for some amalgam of form and function, we often know it when we see it. Sir Lord Kevin McCloud has made a career of pointing out things that have been done well, or perhaps have not.

Some of the best designed things, however, are impactful because we don’t notice the effort that has gone into them; the designer thought hard about it, so the users do not need to. It’s no accident that 3 of the top 10 in Fortune’s updated “100 Best Designs” list originated at Apple, where Steve Jobs placed good, user-centric design and “taste” at the heart of what they do.

In 1988, a seminal book on aspects of product design thinking was published, “The Psychology of Everyday Things”. It later changed to The Design of… as bookshops and libraries were apparently lumping it in the wrong category, it being more about how products should be designed rather what makes us inherently tick.

A few examples highlighted in DOET of things that could be done better include the physical layout of light switches and the lights they operate, or knobs on a cooker vs the position of burners or hotplates they control.

Often the controls are in a straight line across the front of the cooker, but the elements or flames are in a square. To make it easy for you to know which knob works which heatsource, a simple and obvious symbol is positioned nearby. Better hope those don’t wear off over time.


Wouldn’t it be easier for the end user if the knobs were placed in the same pattern as the burners? That way, you wouldn’t need a symbol to inform you; instinct would make you start with the correct one (assuming you were paying some amount of attention).

Another example is door furniture. On the types of corridor doors which you’d find in offices or public buildings, it’s not uncommon to put a handle on the door. Instinctively, you will grab a handle if offered it, and the first thing you’ll do is to pull it (as DOET puts it, that is the action which the handle affords you). That’s fine if the door opens towards you (or swings both ways), but if not, you’ll instinctively pull it first before realizing it doesn’t move and therefore needs pushing.


Similarly, if all the door shows is a blank pad, you’ll open your palm and give it a push. No need for a sign to tell you what to do (well, unless you’re from Midvale).


Aesthetically, glass doors might look better with a handle on both sides but function over form should mean they’d look better still without a push/pull sign, and they’d be easier to use.

Even London’s Design Museum falls foul of the odd rule now and again…


A grab handle, on a push door? Sacre bleu! (in mitigation: it looks like the handle could be used to pull the door shut to lock it, but still…)

The DOET book has been updated a few times in its life (since its re-identifying from POET) and is highly recommended.

Controlling everyday software things

For a 20-year-old tome on poor software and UX design, see The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity. Written by Alan Cooper, “Father of Visual Basic” and respected author on interaction design (a nuanced idea, as opposed to interface design), it’s a fascinating insight into design thinking in a software age.

An example given is of designing the user interaction for an in-flight entertainment system; developers will often institute fiddly directional cursors, modal buttons, controls that need to be labelled so you know what they do. Cooper replaced most with a simple rotating knob; the user will quickly figure out what happens when they turn it right and left. Push the knob to select something, maybe add a Back button and you’re pretty much done.

Bringing things up to date, even though a lot about software and interaction with technical systems could be improved, a great deal of effort is put into simplifying things and trying to remove extraneous UI elements.

clip_image010 Icons, of course, have their own life – there’s that meme about kids thinking that a 1980s 3.5” floppy disk is a 3D printed save icon. At least if you hover a pointer over most icons, you’ll get a pop-up to tell you what it is.

Windows 11 made some controversial changes to things that power users knew and liked, but for most people they just get used to it and if they ever had to regress to an earlier version, would probably admit they liked the newer one better.

Too many options

The Right-click menu in Windows Explorer has long been cluttered up with lots of options; software you install would add an item to make it easier to operate on that file (Share with Skype! Edit with ClipChamp!). In Win11, many of the lesser used ones were moved to a secondary menu supposedly to leave only the mainstream stuff behind…


Clicking the Show more options menu item (with an icon which looks like making a window bigger) will display the old-school Windows context menu which could easily have 30 or 40 things on it.

Back on the “Fluent” Windows 11 context menu, the very most used options – cut, copy, rename etc – were promoted to icons at the very top or bottom of the menu, and for lots of users promptly disappeared from view.


This is something which is going to be updated in a soon-to-be-released update, to make it easier to use…


Control Panel Still Alive

Microsoft is still working on replacing some of the last vestiges of old Windows code, just one example being the Control Panel. A key part of Windows ever since version 1.0, it was where you tweaked anything to do with the operating system or the PC. Since Windows 10, most of the key bits you’d configure using Control Panel were migrated to the Settings app but even today, there are some bits of the UX where you’ll fire up an old-fashioned looking Control Panel applet … often buried in the “Advanced” part of Settings, and identified with the square-thingy-arrow-up-right icon, which we learn to know means opening something new…


These Control Panel “applets” which remain in Windows can be found by looking in the System32 folder – to invoke any of them just to see what they do, press WindowsKey+R then enter the name of the .cpl file and prepare to be amazed and/or confused.



Gradually, though, these CPLs are being replaced – see desk.cpl – with enhancements to the Settings app, but there’s still life in the old control yet…


expand the Control Panel section in System configuration tools in Windows – Microsoft Support

#42: Making Gestures in & out of Windows


Windows, you may or may not know, has a lot of gestures built in. Not the kind that Mr Clarkson observes while driving a flash car, thinking oncoming motorists may be drying their hands, but more useful. Windows 8 pioneered gestures on touch-screen machines, where you’d swipe around the edges of the screen to perform certain tasks.

If you’re unfamiliar with modern-day gestures, they inhabit a number of rooms in the house. They are perhaps less on the critical path to making stuff work than the Win8 things that confused regular end users; gestures these days are there to provide a quicker or snazzier way of doing something for those in the know but if you don’t use them, you don’t know what you’re missing.


Firstly, there are touch gestures – if you have a touchscreen machine, obvs. These are relatively simple actions you can do on-screen using multiple fingers, which control the way you interact with Windows. You might have them turned off, but they should be on by default – look under Bluetooth & devices in Settings, and under Touch you can switch them on.


If you see the “Touch screen to wake” option, you’re using an up-to-date machine which supports Wake-on-Touch, allowing you to poke the screen with a single digit to wake from standby.

If you have a touch screen, you’re probably familiar with selecting stuff by tapping it or scrolling the screen by dragging it around, but there are other moves you might be less familiar with. What about showing the Notifications Center by dragging one finger – Win8 stylee – from the outside right edge of the screen, or the Widgets by doing the same from the left?

How about using THREE fingers to swipe up, down, left and right?



If you don’t have a touch screen but do have a laptop with a touchpad, there are loads of gestures you can enable and configure there… somewhat similar to the on-screen versions.


Did you know that tapping two fingers (close to one another – eg two fingers on one hand) on the touchpad has the same effect as right-clicking? See more on Touch gestures for Windows.

Browsing gestures

Finally, even if you don’t have the delights of touch on screen or pad, there are gestures you can set up on Edge for using your mouse while browsing – in fact, they’re possibly best done with an actual, physical mouse rather than faffing about with a touchpad.

To enable, make sure your browser is up to date then check Settings / Appearance and scroll a long way down to Customise browser. Or just search gesture in the settings and look for the enable/configure Mouse Gesture buttons.


Gestures in the browser let you do stuff by holding the right* button on your mouse in combo with an action like swiping the mouse in a direction or using a pattern:


While you hold the right mouse button down and make an appropriate mouse movement, you’ll see it being drawn on the screen with a banner telling you what it means…

If you don’t like the default gestures in Edge, or you’re using Chrome, then you could try a 3rd party gesturing addon: Chrome Web Store – Search Results.

* for a while, Microsoft tried to call the right mouse button – one of the big differentiators between Windows and Mac (whose users could only deal with a single button) – the “secondary mouse button”, in recognition that left-handers who swap the buttons around are not using the actual button on the right. Or right-handed deviants who like using the wrong button.

#41: New ≠ better

Tip o' the Week

Last week’s tip talked about product Roadmaps and the search for new features; this week’s focuses on two evolving applications that readers may have a fondness for or perhaps an aversion to.

As previewed in Tip o’ the Week #678, both Outlook and Teams have been getting some New-ness by having completely re-written applications with the goal of taking the baton from the old one. This model doesn’t always turn out to be successful – see the confusion that was OneNote supposedly transitioning from a classic Windows app to a Store / UWP app, then giving up and moving back. Or the slow-motion car crash that is Sonos’ new app rollout.

As an aside: LinkedIn really doesn’t make it easy to search previous newsletter articles; that’s one reason why these are also published at www.tipoweek.com, providing a nicely tagged way of re-locating stuff that you might have seen before.

Sometimes, the effort that goes into keeping an old application fresh, secure and performing well can be more than just re-writing it from scratch and phasing the old one out. But Better does not always come with New, at least not in the early stages.

One Teams to Rule Them All

Three years before its pandemic-fueled usage explosion, Teams was launched as a kind of amalgam of Skype for Business and the technologically separate and consumer-oriented Skype (which still exists, to some degree). Teams came along with added collaborative stuff that had been brewing for some years, to try to offer an alternative to Slack.

To help the development cycle, and to keep a degree of parity between Windows, Mac and web apps, the original Teams app used a variety of technologies which caused a pretty high memory overhead on Windows. Later acknowledge by Microsoft, the decision was taken to rearchitect completely with the goal of reducing memory usage by half whilst doubling performance.

After releasing “New Teams” in October 2023, that left Microsoft with 3 separate Teams clients – the original, resource hog one, then the New Teams one which did more-or-less the same things, and the inexplicable “Teams for Home” which was a different version that could only use a Microsoft Account to sign in.

Fortunately, Microsoft has updated New Teams (now just “Microsoft Teams”) to fold in the “Teams (free)” / “Teams for Home” functionality, so there’s only really a single version of note. If you still want to make sure all your PC’s memory gets a good workout, the original Teams app is still available as “Teams classic (work or school)”, at least for now. Phew.

The Old Dog and the New Pup

Outlook has a much longer legacy, dating 20 years before Teams and with some of its innards back to the early 1990s and the original Exchange “Capone” client (and Exchange was dubbed “The Big Dog of BackOffice“).

Microsoft has a long-held desire to move away from the old design and architecture, to something more “Modern” and webby. Just as Teams was built using technology that could span different client architectures, the intent is to create a new Outlook family centered around the same Web UX as seen in Outlook Web App.

Having been in preview for a while, the now-released “New Outlook” was being developed to replace Windows’ built-in Mail & Calendar app(s) in the near future, though not to universal approval. Plus ça change and all that.

Some reviewers want to hold on to the Mail & Calendar apps

Building an app which is effectively a web experience but looks like a desktop one, has its own challenges that Microsoft is trying to address before the inevitable full retirement of Old Outlook in favour of the new one.

If you’re an existing Outlook (classic) user, do not be tantalized by the Try the new Outlook option on the top right – press the button only if you’re already prepared for the consequences.

Actually, you can run classic Outlook and New Outlook side by side if you like; selecting the “Try the new…” button just means that trying to start Old Outlook will just bring up the new one instead; if you go through the routine of Trying the new, it will set up your profile and when done, you can switch it off and have both clients set up to connect to the same accounts.

There are some downsides. Web Applications aren’t typically very good at being offline, and email is one of those things that you might like to use when on a plane or even being on a slow network. New Outlook is getting some offline capabilities but don’t expect it to be the same as the old one.

And don’t even think about using local archives, not for a while…

Most users of Teams would see the New version as an improvement, even if it doesn’t match all the functionality of the original. It’s certainly easier when switching around between tenants, such as when you’re working with several different companies. Almost everyone will automatically get the new version in place of the old, with a few diehards holding out before eventually being subsumed.

New Outlook is going to take a bit more time to get used to. There is a feature comparison which gives some idea of the differences; if you don’t get vast amounts of email, then New Outlook is OK. If you have multiple email accounts to deal with, it makes a reasonable fist of showing them in one place rather than needing a separate browser window for each, but then Old Outlook did that too. Somewhat annoyingly, New Outlook can’t combine mailboxes into a single Inbox view, like the mobile Outlook client does, and it won’t let you search across different mailboxes either.

It looks like Old Outlook will still be with us for at least 5 years – maybe it’ll live on while email has not yet been replaced by other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Teams.

#40: Product Roadmaps – over/under promise/deliver?


Since the early days of personal computing, products were always defined and sold to their eager customers on the basis of what features they had, or were going to have. ACME Computers would produce a feature matrix showed its widget program was better than XYZSoft’s similar one because it could start quicker or store more pages or print nicer fonts or whatever seemed important at the time.

Talking about features – or, even better, showing them – would be enough to convince users to open their chequebooks, so before RoI, business value, personas or use cases showed up, the product feature sheet and product demo were all important.

The brilliant Bob Cringely wrote in his seminal tome Accidental Empires of many significant bits of the history of the PC, Mac et al (or Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can’t Get a Date to give its full title). One tale was of a young Bill Gates demonstrating Word for Mac 3.0 somehow navigating a demo of a product so buggy that any number of clicks in the wrong place could have blown the whole thing up.

As well as selling what you have – or are going to have, real soon now – to prospective customers, there’s also a need to show that more stuff is coming down the line. The Product Roadmap shows long-term commitment and vision but also ties you into doing things that people bought your product for, even if they prove harder than you thought or less important because other things have changed.

Does saying you’re going to deliver this feature or that function tie one hand behind your back, but without it, customers could go elsewhere? In the old days, a roadmap or a demo of something that wasn’t really finished was as much a reason to stop people buying a competitor’s product, causing them to wait to see how yours turns out, as it was to get them to commit to buying something today – especially when the thing you’re showing isn’t yet available.

In the 1980s and perhaps later, Microsoft was a well-established peddler of “vaporware” – BillG even received a “Golden Vaporware” award for the years-late arrival of Windows 1.0, though the practice of promising much a long time before delivery had been going on for more than a century before.

When it all goes wrong

Sometimes a company will have scored such a momentous own-goal that its roadmap is more a plan for recovery and survival, than a yellow brick road to a brighter future. One such example is maker of homey WiFi HiFi gear Sonos, who rushed out a whole new software stack so they could launch some new products.

Sadly, the new app was missing a lot of features from the old one, was slow and unreliable and in forcing it out, they shot themselves in both feet and greatly annoyed many of their loyal fans.


Sonos’ CEO later had to apologize and promised to make things better over coming months, surely made harder by recently announcing a 6% staff layoff. Added to the 7% cuts made the year before, whatever the future holds for them might be that bit harder to reach.

Microsoft Roadmap update

Sometimes, a roadmap leads to a cul-de-sac – the product is killed, dies of natural causes or similar. But when it supposedly gets many users, the majority won’t really care what features and functions are being added day-to-day.

Over in Redmond, the roadmap of specific products and features might seem less important (unless they’re selling the products, or others selling products to them), yet quite some effort goes into maintaining roadmaps for the Microsoft 365 offerings. Presumably it’s to keep existing customers informed and happy enough, reminding them what they’re getting for their continued subscription. Or sometimes to provide early signal that certain things are going away, even if only so they can later point to that notice when someone moans about their favourite thing being wiped out.


The Roadmap site has been growing its coverage outside of core M365 products, and there are other sources of roadmap info – Azure, Windows (and info for Insiders), Dynamics & Power Platform and probably more.

In other parts of Microsoft, the moderately-loved Paint 3D – the supposed successor to the venerable MSPaint – has now been given it’s marching orders. Back when the future was in 3D – from the TV in your living room, to the massive goggles on your face, it’s was all about that 3rd dimension until it wasn’t.

#39: OneNote Shortcuts, Favourites and Pins


Regular ToW readers may share in a collective for OneNote – and there have been plenty Tips over the years to celebrate. There are other note-taking apps out there, of course, but if you have invested time and years of notes in one, it’s hard to shift.

OneNote comes in a variety of versions spanning web, mobile, Mac & PC, and you have the ability to organise pages of notes in sections, groups and whole separate Notebooks, should you wish. Notebooks can be shared with other people and could be used to contain stuff that’s specifically for one particular project or role.

Personal vs Work

If using OneNote on the web (which needs you to be online to access it), you could have different browser profiles for work and home, and therefore all your work notebooks would be in one and your home-related ones in another. The PC version of OneNote lets you mix notebooks from different accounts, so you could have them all open in one app – handy for some, though it can lead to lots of notebooks being open and searching right across them can be bothersome (see Classic ToW #646 for help with that).

If you keep going back to a few pages for shopping lists or the likes, it’s quite easy to grab a link directly so you can find it again quickly. Go to a section or page in the web version and you can right-click to copy a link to it, forming a simple https:// URL to wherever the source is stored (on OneDrive if you’re using a personal Microsoft Account or in SharePoint if using a M365 login).


Save that URL to wherever makes sense for you and it will launch directly to that page in a new browser upon activation.

Desktop vs Web

If you’re using the PC OneNote app, however, you’d want to have the page open in that app rather than in the browser. In the old days, you could drag a OneNote page to your desktop or some other Explorer folder, and it would create a shortcut to it – but not any more.

If you repeat the above process of right clicking / copying a link when in the app, then paste the resulting link into Notepad or similar, you’ll see there are actually two links – firstly, a https:// formatted URL and a second beginning onenote:https:// and finishing &end.


Select and copy the line(s) beginning onenote: to the end, then you can create a shortcut elsewhere – it’s a bit of a palaver, but…

· right-click on desktop or in your chosen folder,

· choose New > Shortcut and paste the onenote: link in there… hit Next,

· give it a meaningful name and save it

· now you could launch OneNote directly to your chosen page, with a simple tap or double click on that icon.

OneTastic to the rescue

A simpler way is to use the Pin to Favorites (sic) feature in the most excellent addon, OneTastic; this lets you create and pin links to a variety of locations, perhaps most usefully within the “Favorites” section of that menu itself – and to recall a Fav in future, just go to that menu to quickly navigate to several pinned OneNote pages and sections.


The “Favorites” location can be accessed in the file system if you like, too – just press WindowsKey+R to get the Run command up, then enter %appdata%\OneTastic and you’ll find the folder in there.

Pin it on the move

Mobile users have a simpler way, at least Android users do. Within OneNote, select the 3-dot menu on the top right of a page, and you can Add to Home screen; this will try to pin a shortcut to whatever kind of homescreen / launcher you have.


iOS users might need to rely on a Widgety solution instead.