Windows Mobile 6 – aka Crossbow

I’ve been in Seattle all week at a technical conference and have been largely living on Windows Mobile devices … I have a QTek 8500 Smartphone (which is really nice and small Smartphone), a Palm Treo 750 (a Pocket PC with a smaller screen and built in thumboard) and an Orange SPV M3100 (larger PPC with slide out keyboard, Wifi etc). I’ve also been using Windows Mobile 6 (aka Crossbow) on a couple of other devices for ages… and have gotten really used to some of its new functionality regarding the way e-mail, calendar etc is handled when running against an Exchange 2007 server.

Jason (who was yesterday presenting to a room of 500 screaming and yelling people whilst – I kid you not – dressed as a pirate) has posted on his Mr Mobile! blog with a great summary of what’s new in Windows Mobile 6…

… now I can’t wait to see it hit the streets on some of the exciting devices that are out now or will be coming soon!


iPhone over-the-air experience

Just read Jason O’Grady’s blog over on ZDNet and it’s quite eye-opening… one thing leapt out:

“Wireless syncing. iPhone can only be synced with a cable and can’t be synced via WiFi or Bluetooth. This is unacceptable. iPhone has three radios and should be able to be synced with all three. WiFi and BT minimally, then OTA to Dot-Mac for bonus points.”

So the device won’t be able to sync with Exchange natively and unless Apple changes the stance of not allowing 3rd party applications (another strange decision), presumably precluding a 3rd party ISV from building an ActiveSync client (such as DataViz RoadSync which is available for loads of other devices). Maybe even RIM would have wanted to build a Blackberry Connect client for the device, but again, might be unable to…

Sounds like the iPhone v1 will be pretty limited in terms of competition with other smart devices – basically a music player which can do a bit of web surfing and make and receive phone calls.

Who knows, maybe that’s what the masses actually want – maybe smartphones and connected PDAs are too complex for the average user on the street – but it could be some future iteration of the iPhone which expands on the basics which the v1 device establishes. It’ll be interesting to try out the iPhone when it comes out… no doubt, it’ll sell shed loads and if the UI is as good as the hype suggests, it could force everyone else to concentrate on doing a few things well, and carefully adding more functionality gradually.

Related reading:


Apple iPhone for now ignoring synch

Windows Mobile iPhone

Apple attacks iPhone UI emulators

Finally! Apple announces the iPhone!

Nice new calendaring features in Exchange 2007

There’s so much new stuff in Exchange 2007, that it’s easy to forget just how useful some of it is… like the calendaring improvements both in the UI of Outlook and OWA, but in some server-side cleverness too.

In Exchange 2003 and earlier, when someone sends you a meeting request, it will just sit in your Inbox until Outlook picks it up and does something with it (depending on how you have Outlook configured). One standard behaviour would be for it to take meeting requests and stick them in your calendar as tentative appointments which you’ve yet to respond to. Outlook does need to be running, however…

This could mean that if you’re on holiday, people might be sending you meeting requests which conflict, but your free/busy time might look free because Outlook isn’t running. Exchange 2007 now does the tentative booking of time on behalf of the mailbox, as well as taking care of other meeting hygiene features – like removing out-of-date meeting requests when the organiser sends a change (solving another pain if you’ve been away for a while, and come back to loads of meeting requests which are out of date). This is part of what the “Calendar Attendant” does – more calendaring stuff can be found on a description of the collection of services referred to as the “Calendar Concierge“.

Now, I’m on a lot of internal distribution lists which I filter from my inbox into subfolders using server side rules. In the past, I’d sometimes missed conference calls etc where invites had been sent to the DL, but had been moved into my subfolders before Outlook had a chance to shove the tentative meeting in the calendar. Now, with Exchange doing both acts, anything sent to me directly or indirectly will get put in the calendar. Nice!

Well, there is one downside – in a multinational company, there are meetings and conference calls going on at all hours of the day and night… and invites might be sent to DLs to drum up interest in attending. It’s easy to forget to switch off your phone or PDA from reminding you about the out of hours meetings, if you’re not in the habit of deleting/declining the requests…

Sometimes, it’s the seemingly little improvements that make applications so much more usable – and yet don’t get the same degree of attention. The Calendar Concierge is definitely one of them!


You have to admire the way Apple stage manages announcements and releases – despite months of rumours, there’s been little of real substance about the iPhone until it was announced in San Francisco on Tuesday. The media coverage the announcement has already got is hard to believe – let alone all the discussion that’s going on over the net about it.

Now, I have never bought an Apple product*. Partly through bloody-mindedness and some kind of desire to be a bit different, and partly because over a decade ago I never got on with the Mac and, more crucially, never (then) got on with the kind of Mac users who behaved like religious zealots…

The iPhone looks interesting for a number of reasons: time will tell if it is really a success in Europe when compared to all the various Smartphones, PDAs, Blackberry devices etc, as well as the more basic mobile phone devices as used primarily by consumers who just want a phone, maybe one that takes pictures, that can make and take calls, and do text messaging.

Some initial thoughts about the iPhone, IMHO:

  • From a feature point of view, it’s not really all that revolutionary – there’s nothing really on the device that isn’t already available from a number of different (more established) mobile operators and device vendors, and many offer (today) all the same (and more) level of functionality, for a lower cost.
    Where Apple will hope to score will be on the whole package and the design.
  • When iPods are announced (as well as other devices like the Mac mini), it’s often been possible to go right out and buy them that day. This contrasts with most tech company behaviours where products are announced months or even years in advance. The iPhone breaks with this tradition somewhat, by not being available months later in the US, much later this year (in Europe) and next year in Asia.
  • Network operators always have to go through a testing cycle for any new hardware – maybe that’s why Steve Jobs was waving about the iPhone on stage, but it’ll be 4 or 5 months before anyone will buy one. Talk to any of the entrant mobile device vendors in recent years, and you’ll find a lot of them who just haven’t nailed enough of the basics for the device to be usable… so the iPhone v1 might well need to be followed up pretty quickly with a later version, if there isn’t enough time to sort out the inevitable troubles early on. The lack of 3G might have put a lot of carriers off this phone, if it didn’t carry the Apple logo and the cachet that goes with that, so maybe a quick follow-on with iPhone v2 that includes UMTS would be a smart move for Apple, though at the risk of cheesing off all the early adopters of v1.
  • Cingular seem to have done well out of this arrangement – an exclusive deal (at least at first) where every salivating wannabe iPhone owner gets tied to a 2 year contract just to buy the phone in the first place. The other US carriers must be smarting a bit over that one – but to do this, Cingular may have had to give up any control on the device (custom UI, built-in activation of specific carrier services, application bundles etc) that they would typically impose on other handset vendors… although that isn’t necessarily a bad thing…
  • There’s no denying the iPhone looks nice – at least it does in the photos and videos. It’s a master of style and simplicity, just like the way the Mac has always stuck to a single mouse button rather than the 2 or 3 that Windows or various *nixes have adopted. It’ll be interesting to see how effective the touch screen is, not only for dialling (something that’s never as easy on a touch screen as it is on a physical keypad – the lack of tactile feedback really makes a difference), but also for texting using an on-screen soft keyboard without a stylus.
  • Who’s the typical user going to be? Twenty/thirtysomething consumers who quite probably own an iPod already? How’s Apple going to grow their installed base with the phone, if the main user groups just ditch their iPod Nano in favour of an iPhone…
  • Business customers are much more likely to either be using Windows Mobile, Blackberry or similar, or would at least want to connect their array of devices to some internal e-mail system with calendaring & contacts sync support, rather than relying on IMAP or getting an external service (like the push-IMAP that’s being offered from Yahoo!). Enterprise customers may also want some more control over the security of the device – is there going to be on-device encryption? What about policies to manage access in to internal systems from the GPRS network? And with a whole new OS (even if it is some variant of OS X, it’s still going to be “new” from a developer perspective), how quickly & readily will 3rd parties be to fill the inevitable gaps in functionality?


Oh well, I suppose we’ll have to wait & see what happens…


* I do actually own some Apple merchandise – the iPod sock that I use to keep my Orange SPV M3100 warm and scratch-free (thankfully now washed and smelling sweetly). And I once had a Mac classic – when I left a previous employer, one part of my leaving present was an old monochrome Mac (which I don’t think ever booted up). I took it home and turned it into a garden ornament – it looked quite funky sitting in the back border, covered in moss and with the plastic cracking somewhat. Wish I had some photos…

Using HTC devices as a modem over USB in Vista RTM

One of the neat things with HTC Windows Mobile 5 devices on Windows Vista is when you activate the Wireless Modem over Bluetooth, Vista will just see the device and automatically detect it as a modem.

When you plug the device in to a Vista PC using USB (having first enabled Wireless Modem over USB on the phone), you may find that it won’t be recognised.

A solution can be derived from

If you grab your standard HTC USB Modem INF file (you can grab a copy here if you don’t have one to hand) and add the emboldened lines below into the relevant places…


AddService=usbser, 0x00000000, LowerFilter_Service_Inst


Save the file out under a new name, and when Vista starts looking for the driver, tell it you want to point to a specific location. If it finds this file, you should find that Robert’s your father’s brother!

Have a happy Christmas – see you in the new year!

Keeping my SPV M3100 from getting scratched

 I said yesterday that I had a mixed experience from moving to the Orange SPV M3100 (aka HTC “Hermes”/TyTn design), particularly concerning the size of the device (compared to a regular phone) and the belt clip thing that it comes with.

Jason, however, kindly gave me a present to keep my phone from getting scratched (and keeping it nice & toasty in these cold nights) … an iPod Sock (there’s even DIY knitting instructions if you’re a dab hand with the needles and don’t fancy paying £19 for the official one)…

I suppose I should stick in the wash sometime soon as it’s starting to look a little grubby…

It’s almost the perfect size for the M3100 though – it pulls down to almost cover the base of the unit yet still alows a charging cable etc to be used. And it’s often amusing that a guy from Microsoft rocks up and whips out what looks like an iPod… then pulls his phone from the sock 🙂

My Pocket PC kept waking me up with middle-of-the-night reminders… :(

I switched fairly recently from using a Qtek 8500 Smartphone (which I still use occasionally and love for its form factor) to an Orange SPV M3100 Pocket PC Phone, and have had a somewhat mixed experience as a result.

Pros: The M3100 has a nice screen, a slide-out keyboard (making on-the-hoof email and texts that bit easier than Smartphone… though I do like T9 on the Qtek’s keypad). It’s also 3G, which is useful… never really use the WiFi so that’s not a great value add.

Cons: Even with it’s relatively diminutive size, the M3100 is still over-big for a phone. But the biggest annoyance is really with the phone UI – it’s nowhere near as quick to use as a phone, compared to the 8500 … anything that means you need to tap the screen pretty much means you need to be looking at the device and using 2 hands.

Now, a couple of weeks after I got the device I was wakened up in the middle of the night several days in a row, because I’d forgotten to switch it to “silent” before going to bed (not as easy as it might be, since there’s no “Profile” like there is in Smartphone, that could switch between silent/normal/outdoors etc).

I figured “someone must have cracked this!”, and was delighted to find a neat bit of software called PocketZenPhone which not only implements the ability to have profiles (with a lot more than just sound volume etc), but to be able to schedule when the phone switches between them!


Now, I have the device automatically go into silent mode at 11pm and go back to normal at 7am… so even if someone sends me a meeting request for a different timezone or something that would fire reminders in the middle of the night, the phone will let me slumber on…

This has to be the best £5 I could have spent on Windows Mobile software!

Low-cost hands-free kit, anyone?

I had to keep this post for a Friday. Was in a taxi going back to Barcelona airport after IT Forum last month, and had to laugh at the driver’s low cost solution to what to do with his mobile phone…

Actually, talking about mobility and Barcelona… Jason Langridge’s session on how to deliver mobile access ot large numbers of users with WIndows Mobile & Exchange 2003, was videoed and is now online…


Windows Mobile Device Center in Vista

I’ve been a user of Windows CE/Windows Mobile devices ever since the early days of “Windows CE Services”, which later morphed into ActiveSync (currently at version 4.2, but v4.5 should be with us soon). The software has certainly evolved over the years and now provides a fairly decent user experience (leaving aside the somewhat chequered history of duplicating contacts and the likes).

Windows Vista has swept ActiveSync aside and replaced it with the new Windows Mobile Device Center, which looks a whole lot nicer and easier to use (on the most part). I’ve been using the Beta 3 build (which can be installed on Vista RTM code – either by getting it through Windows Update or by download from the site linked above), and once it’s up and running it provides a much smoother integration of the device with the rest of the OS.

There are a couple of niggles with WMDC though…

  • A lot of software designed to be installed via a PC onto a Windows Mobile devices checks for the existence of ActiveSync on the PC and will fail if it can’t find it.
  • Some personal firewalls (including OneCare 1.5 – something else I’m beta-testing) will just block the device from seeing the PC and vice versa.

Installing mobile apps through WMDC

On the first point, there is an API which software vendors will be able to use in order to do a clean installation through Vista/WMDC as well as through ActiveSync, but until they start supporting that API you might be in a quandry.

One possible solution is to take the self-extracting .EXE that much device software comes packaged as, and crack it open using a suitable app (such as WinZip), to fish out the appropriate .CAB file for your device. Some apps might come packaged with both Smartphone and PPC versions, or maybe versions targeted at Windows Mobile 5.0 vs Windows Mobile 2003. The name of the .CAB file will ususally give you a clue as to what platform it’s for, and which version.

Take the appropriate CAB file and use WMDC to drop it onto your device, then use File Explorer or something to activate the CAB file for installation. Worst case might be to copy the CAB file into the folder within the Start menu, so even if you don’t have a File Explorer app (as some devices are delivered), you should still be able to activate. Normally, activating the CAB file will take up the installation part that usually happens on the device when installating through ActiveSync (ie you get the message on ActiveSync asking you to check your device screen…)

Personal Firewall blocking

After struggling with getting WMDC running on my home PC after installing Vista RTM, I wondered if OneCare was blocking it from running (since the OneCare firewall is bidirectional and also a little less integrated into the whole system than the built in Windows Firewall). I found some instructions buried deep in the WMDC help file, which list some ports to allow through the firewall.

Set your firewall up to allow ports/protocols:

Inbound: 990/TCP, 999/TCP, 5678/TCP, 5721/TCP, 26675/TCP

Outbound: 5679/UDP

After enabling these rules, and reconnecting the device, WMDC should spring to life!
