Windows Mobile Device Center in Vista

I’ve been a user of Windows CE/Windows Mobile devices ever since the early days of “Windows CE Services”, which later morphed into ActiveSync (currently at version 4.2, but v4.5 should be with us soon). The software has certainly evolved over the years and now provides a fairly decent user experience (leaving aside the somewhat chequered history of duplicating contacts and the likes).

Windows Vista has swept ActiveSync aside and replaced it with the new Windows Mobile Device Center, which looks a whole lot nicer and easier to use (on the most part). I’ve been using the Beta 3 build (which can be installed on Vista RTM code – either by getting it through Windows Update or by download from the site linked above), and once it’s up and running it provides a much smoother integration of the device with the rest of the OS.

There are a couple of niggles with WMDC though…

  • A lot of software designed to be installed via a PC onto a Windows Mobile devices checks for the existence of ActiveSync on the PC and will fail if it can’t find it.
  • Some personal firewalls (including OneCare 1.5 – something else I’m beta-testing) will just block the device from seeing the PC and vice versa.

Installing mobile apps through WMDC

On the first point, there is an API which software vendors will be able to use in order to do a clean installation through Vista/WMDC as well as through ActiveSync, but until they start supporting that API you might be in a quandry.

One possible solution is to take the self-extracting .EXE that much device software comes packaged as, and crack it open using a suitable app (such as WinZip), to fish out the appropriate .CAB file for your device. Some apps might come packaged with both Smartphone and PPC versions, or maybe versions targeted at Windows Mobile 5.0 vs Windows Mobile 2003. The name of the .CAB file will ususally give you a clue as to what platform it’s for, and which version.

Take the appropriate CAB file and use WMDC to drop it onto your device, then use File Explorer or something to activate the CAB file for installation. Worst case might be to copy the CAB file into the folder within the Start menu, so even if you don’t have a File Explorer app (as some devices are delivered), you should still be able to activate. Normally, activating the CAB file will take up the installation part that usually happens on the device when installating through ActiveSync (ie you get the message on ActiveSync asking you to check your device screen…)

Personal Firewall blocking

After struggling with getting WMDC running on my home PC after installing Vista RTM, I wondered if OneCare was blocking it from running (since the OneCare firewall is bidirectional and also a little less integrated into the whole system than the built in Windows Firewall). I found some instructions buried deep in the WMDC help file, which list some ports to allow through the firewall.

Set your firewall up to allow ports/protocols:

Inbound: 990/TCP, 999/TCP, 5678/TCP, 5721/TCP, 26675/TCP

Outbound: 5679/UDP

After enabling these rules, and reconnecting the device, WMDC should spring to life!


I’ll get my coat…

I’ve been shamed into resurrecting my blog, partly by talking with some people in Barcelona at the Tech Ed:IT Forum event last month, and partly from chatting with some other Microsoft bloggers who have popular and interesting blogs… (people like Darren, Brett and Eileen).

I suppose the issue is that I don’t read blogs all that often – or at least I haven’t been doing so. Since switching to IE7 and Outlook 2007, I’ve been taking a bit more of an interest in the numerous RSS feeds that I must have configured at some point in the past. Also, I’ve been using pRSSReader on my Pocket PC for a wee while, and am starting to get the bug a bit more…

Anyway, I’ll try to stay in touch a bit more now 🙂


i-Mate device updates support direct push email from Exchange

If you have Exchange 2003 and have SP2 installed, and you’re already publishing Outlook Web Access to the internet then you’ve probably got everything you need to enable push email to a suitable mobile device.

If your mobile device happens to be an i-mate SP5, SP5m, JAMin, K-JAM or JASJAR (otherwise know to the techie world under their HTC codenames of Tornado (both the SP5’s), Prophet, Wizard or Universal), then you’re in luck since has made upgrades to AKU2.0 available.

AKU (Adaption Kit Update) 2.0 is a new ROM image for these devices and includes various software updates, including the ability to do Direct Push mail to Exchange.

Downloads from – more details on what’s what available to registered users on the Clubimate web site.


360 degree amazement

So, I got PGR3 and Perfect Dark Zero for my XB360.

Oh dear. What time is it again? 1am? Oh I really should go to bed now.

PGR3 is predictably good – I loved both PGR1&2 and this is basically more of the same, though there are some notable absences from the cars list – where PGR2 had lots of Porsches, this one has nothing (a licensing issue I wonder) other than Ruf souped-up Porkers.

I’m getting to the point where I can more-or-less drive round without hitting stuff, but playing on XBox live is quite frustrating – the number of times you approach the first 90-degree bend after the start line, wondering how to position the car – if you take the racing line, you’ll get smacked into the barrier by the guy on your inside (there’s no such thing as “Racing Accident” here … it’s all just adreneline) or the guy immediately behind won’t have found the brake yet so you’ll start to brake and turn in, only to be nerfed into the barrier by laughing boy at the back.

Oh well … another few races and I’ll figure it out …


PS – does XBox Live appeal particularly to the Dutch? I seem to come across lots of games with ‘NL’ in their tag name…

Christmas Card lists

It’s that time of year when the postman delivers a bundle of cards every day, and every day I feel more & more guilty that I haven’t even started writing mine yet.

This year I’ve already noticed that lost of “ordinary folk” are sending cards with printed address labels, which means I guess they’ve got some software to do the whole shebang. I’ve pretty much stayed away from printing labels because I’ve found it takes longer to set up than just writing the damn things to start with, and the amount of labels wasted due to misprinting (margins etc) is pretty high.

Maybe it’s time to reconsider that particular piece of technology, or should I just stick to exporting Outlook contacts to a spreadsheet, then sitting down with a printout of that sheet, a couple of glasses of mulled mine, some mince pies and actually handwriting everything 🙂

— Ewan

XBOX 360 – first impressions

I ordered my XBox 360 form Amazon at the start of September, and it arrived the other day. I haven’t tried it on the big TV yet (still running a CRT so no dreams of HD for me, at least for a few months yet) but I want to put it in my study so that I can watch TV from the Media Centre PC installed in the lounge and so that I can play games on my LCD monitor in the study.

First impressions

  • The power supply is *huge* – 12v, 16.5A!
  • The box itself is much heavier and more solid than you think it looks
  • The media centre extender functionality is very cool – the TV tuner in the Media Centre PC streams the live video content over the network really well
  • Halo2 is every bit as good on the 360 as it is on the XBox “classic” – I never even bothered with the original Halo2 game, but playing Live is just too good
  • All I need to do now is find somewhere that has a VGA cable in stock (I’m currently viewing on a portable telly) and to actually get some 360 games for it!

I picked up a copy of Project Gotham Racing 3 today, having ordered it about 3 weeks ago. Trouble is, I’m now going to be away from home for the rest of this week so I’ll just have to wait until the weekend to see how good it really is…

— Ewan

Yet another Microsoft blogger

I’ve been on the road recently with the “Exchange Unplugged” tour with a bunch of other bloggers (Eileen, Jason, Allister and John) and was ribbed as being “so important he doesn’t have a blog”… so thought it was about time I started one 🙂

I’m a technology specialist in Microsoft UK’s “pre-sales” group (ie I spend most of my time talking to large customers about technology, the idea being that if they know more about what it can do for them, they’re more likely to buy it) and basically concentrate on “messaging” – meaning, Exchange, LCS and mobile devices.

I’m hoping to add some value on this blog, rather than just point at everyone else’s blog: I periodically contribute to the Exchange Blog ( and have done the odd bit for Eileen (including the first published ‘Blogcast’ almost exactly a year ago).

— Ewan