Tip o’ the Week #24: Invite yourself to others’ meetings

Have you ever heard that a meeting is happening, that you feel you should be attending, but weren’t invited to? Have you ever asked someone “could you forward me that meeting?” so that it appears in your calendar?

Well, there’s no need to place the action on the other person – with Outlook’s side/side calendar view, you can do it yourself.

image001In the example here, Andrew has a meeting I want to attend. If I view his calendar side/side, and simply drag & drop the meeting to the left, it will add it to my own calendar.

At the point of “dropping” the meeting, Outlook will prompt if you want to send an Acceptance (just like if you’d opened a meeting request you’d been sent), and you’re added to the list of attendees so the originator of the meeting will see that you’re now joining them.

So no surprises when you walk into the room.


Tip o’ the Week #23: Viewing Excel sheets side by side

clip_image002Toni Kent from Microsoft UK’s partner group once again provides the inspiration for this week’s tip.

Everyone loves the side-by-side windows feature of Windows 7, where you can dock windows to the sides of your monitor by dragging them (or pressing ÿ+? or ÿ+?). But sometimes it doesn’t appear to work if you have several documents open, and want to compare them side by side, particularly if they are spreadsheets.

It’s all to do with how applications open multiple windows. Microsoft Word, for example, opens each document in a separate instance of Word, so if you have two docs open, it’s a snap to show them side/side. Excel, by contrast, prefers to open each new worksheet within a single “Excel” application.

So, whilst Windows 7 will show previews of multiple windows, they’re actually just multiple documents opened within Excel.

If you want to see Excel windows side by side, try going into the View menu in Excel, and click on the View Side by Side option on the Ribbon, then choose which of the additional open worksheets you’d like to compare the current one with.

There’s also the option in Excel to “tile” open worksheet windows, so you could have more than 2 arranged side by side or one above the other.